A bit more of California
So, at this point I’ve been pretty bad at writing blogs so I better cap up the last week.
San Francisco and the bay area is cool in a lot of ways. All the small districts that spans one street only are so insanely weird, and fun, and people are really helpful all over. Well, at least during the day time. There’s one thing I really don’t like and that’s the tipping culture. It’s so weird and wrong in a lot of ways I can’t really explain in on paper, I’m even having trouble with explaining it to other people here.
I’m not gonna dwell more with that.
Today we ended up having another guy from high school over, Ulrik Smed, so now we’re three Danish guys here. Tonight we went to see Wreck it Ralph, which was surprisingly fun, and tomorrow I’m going to Sacramento by train to see some more inland California, and visit some museums.
By this point it feels like I’ve gotten used to the ways things are here, but there are still a ton of things that would take me ages to adjust to. But again, it’s all about the little things I guess?
But for now, I’m heading to bed. I have to get up early in the morning. I’ll try getting a post up after Thanksgiving, which we are having a day to early (Wednesday).
Stadigvæk spændende og dejligt at høre fra dig! men igen….også på dansk fjolle!
Glæder mig til at høre mere om din tur og Happy thanksgiving i morgen.
Hej Claus.
Det lyder altså dejligt, det bbliver godt at se billeder!!!
Kram – Mor
Hyggeligt at høre fra dig; glad for at det åbenbart går rigtig godt. Vejret er forhåbentlig bedre end her.
Tåt krammer